Fun Fact : When Jane first met, Bryan, they hated taking pictures. Look at him now. This is 5 years of conditioning.
5 years ago when we first started dating in college Bryan would watch
YouTube videos of all things Nigeria just to better understand my roots.
I would come back from class to find him watching videos of Pidgin
tutorials 😂 Now he knows more Nigerian songs than me and even has a
slight Nigerian accent now. To finally bring my Saint Louis prince home
for our Igba Nkwu was a dream come true for the both of us. I could
have never imagined finding a Love that not only honors and respects me
but appreciates my culture. We believe our Love is the bridge between
both of our cultures. I am so grateful to God for such a beautiful love.
Bride: @_itsjustjane_
Groom: @bedwards152
Hairstylist: @klassichairlooks
Makeup: @isabelmakeover
Green Dress: @nhayoomeeofficial
Photography: @jeffchinonsoweddings
Videography: @grandepicfilms