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How a local cake maker missed the opportunity to make the wedding cake for Bianca Ojukwu


Bianca claims that anytime she sees a picture of her wedding cake, the rather hilarious yet melancholy backstory of it comes to her.
She did find out during the wedding preparation process from a trustworthy source that a woman in Enugu State created amazing wedding cakes.

Despite the fact that her friend didn't know the cake maker personally, she offered to take Bianca to her house.
Bianca decided to commute with her buddy in her adorable but simple VW instead of continuing to drive her Mercedes (a Beetle back then).
As they arrived, Bianca was utterly un knowledgeable to the well-known cake maker, whose identity is being kept a secret for obvious reasons, and she gave the car they were riding in a contemptuous glance.
When Bianca requested that she bake her wedding cake, she started instantly coming up with justifications for each narrative.
She initially informed Bianca that she would not be able to afford her cakes since they were so pricey (at 25,000 naira back then). 

She offered to steer Bianca to a less expensive cake shop if needed.
Furthermore, she emphasized that she exclusively bakes cakes for dignitaries, even going so far as to single out a manager of a Union bank and a shop owner as examples of "dignitaries."
She received reassurance from Bianca that I could afford it.
Nevertheless, when she asked where the wedding was being held, Bianca said that Abuja was the place. 

The cake lady informed Bianca that she would be responsible for paying for her own travel fees to Abuja in order to mount the cake, and that as she only travels by air and not by road, this additional expense would be challenging for Bianca to bear. Bianca said that she would pay.

She inquired about hotel rooms, and Bianca promised her that she would be taken care of.
In an attempt to put an end to the mocking melodrama, Bianca's buddy continued prodding and whispering in her ear, but Bianca refused.

Bianca despite being confused at the time, was secretly amused by human nature and social climbers, of which the woman was obviously one at the time based on her attitude. The lady was definitely not wealthy; her own car was an old Corolla; her surroundings were not luxurious; & she was simply one of those “I must belong by all means” individuals. Notwithstanding, she had the temerity to look down on others she considered to be less fortunate. Because she was still unsure that Bianca could afford her services (judging by her casual attire and the modest ride, which was not even Bianca’s), the cake lady quickly discharged both of them, telling her to drop her phone number and that she would call her later.
They parted ways after Bianca gave her, her phone number but wrote down her Igbo name which was Odinaka. The cake lady vanished without a trace.

A massive multi-tiered wedding cake was made for free as PR to market and advertise the hotel’s services after Bianca simply accepted a kind offer from the Canadian chef at the Nicon Hilton Abuja at the time, who was a master baker. A week before the wedding, the Enugu cake maker started to notice coverage of the upcoming wedding on television and recognized Bianca as the person who had come to her home for a wedding cake. The Nicon Nuga Hilton (now known as the Transcorp Hilton) in Abuja hosted the very first event ever on a lovely, breezy day in November 1994, which was Bianca’s wedding.

The Hilton's management provided the enormous multi-step cake that can be seen in the photo below.
It exceeds whatever cake the Enugu cake maker could have possibly given in size and opulence.
The Enugu cake maker lost a fantastic chance to showcase her skills and her goods because the event was broadcast nationally.
Numerous further weddings at the same Convention Hall at Hilton were made possible because to this wonderful use of advertising.

As a result, Hilton Events saw a huge rise in hosting business.
According to the most recent information Bianca had, The Cakemaker's business, which had some troubles years ago, has indeed closed.

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