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Adire Vendor Calls Out Couple for Non-Payment and Misconduct After Wedding



A Nigerian adire vendor has taken to social media to expose a couple who allegedly failed to pay for fabrics they had taken for their wedding. The vendor claims that she offered significant discounts, amounting to over N10,000 per fabric, and worked diligently to complete the order ahead of schedule. However, upon the couple's arrival to collect the fabrics, they refused to make the complete their payment after initially making a down payment.



The couple cited an issue with three fabrics that had missing letters and demanded an additional discount. The vendor, already having provided discounts, refused to grant further concessions. Instead, she proposed that they leave the flawed fabrics behind while taking the rest, with her taking responsibility for the flawed pieces. However, the situation escalated when the couple reportedly mistreated the vendor's staff, forcibly took all the fabrics, and left without paying the balance.Despite the vendor's attempts to reach out to the couple, they have allegedly blocked her on all communication platforms. The incident has sparked outrage and discussions about customer accountability and fair treatment of vendors.

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