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#LakeithStanfield and WIFE Kasmere Trice Stanfield just revealed they have tied the knot — AND they’re new parents of a brand new baby!

 The newlyweds (who revealed their engagement back in December) made the announcement in a new feature for @people, and they stated they will be keeping their baby’s gender and name private for now. “We decided early on we wanted to protect our baby as much as we can for as long as possible.”Lakeith, who also has 2 daughters from previous relationships, says life has changed since being a parent. “Being in the public eye can be something that’s amazing, but it can also be something that is very hard on you. There needs to be things that exist that are sacred and not for consumption for everybody…We want to be the ones to tell our story. We’re bringing our family forward so we may inspire others.” He and Kasmere met in Canada, where LaKeith was working. At first, “we were just feeling each other out, like maybe this will be a cool friend,” says LaKeith.  



“As love does, it just smacked us out of nowhere. I’m working on my music, writing and writing, and then this person who I was seemingly writing about pops up in my life. It was strange.” LaKeith initially hesitated. But it didn’t take long before “I released myself to the love,” he says. He proposed to Kasmere on an island vacation just before her birthday in December—and was by her side as they welcomed their child. “All I ever tried to do in those crazy moments, like when she was in labor, was be a support system. That and figure out how many ice chips I needed to give her,” he says. Kasmere appreciates her husband’s experience with his older children. “I’m really honored that I got to see the father in [him] before I was even having our baby,” she says. LaKeith, who says his daughters are "so fun and so smart," admits that navigating parenting relationships in the spotlight isn’t easy. “Sometimes, when things can get difficult, you have to remember that what’s most important is the child,” he says, “and that we’re pushing ourselves to grow, so we can reflect back to them the good things.”

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