Comedian Ali Baba recently shared a video on his social media where he counseled couples. He told couples that they should learn to control their words when they are angry, especially because when angry, a lot of scathing remarks are mean to a partner.
He stated that sometimes these remarks can linger in a partner’s mind and fuel some resentment and hostility, even when you’ve already forgotten about it.
He advised couples to be learn control and that it’s best that they are calmer before they can speak.
Back in 2021, Ali Baba had cursed people who were causing problems in
Nigeria. He angrily laid curses on anyone that has an instrumental part
to play in the problems that Nigerians are facing at the moment. He
stated that whoever has a hand in the crisis, whether the person is
Muslim, Christian, old, young, Southerner or Northerner, that God will
expose them and shame them, and that they will never know peace. e years back. He revealed that people who are healthy do not have
any reason to beg because they can’t afford it. He stated that giving
money to beggars who are completely healthy will only encourage them to
continue begging, which would breed a sense of entitlement.