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Stephanie Coker opens up on her battle with PCOS, failed IVF

Media personality and actress, Stephanie Coker Aderinokun, bravely shares her harrowing battle with PCOS and IVF, recounting the heartbreaking loss of her baby. In an interview with Chude Jideonwo, she disclosed the emotional turmoil she endured after her second round of IVF failed, despite investing over $40,000 and traveling to Los Angeles for the procedure. Reeling from the devastation, Stephanie confided in a friend, grappling with the sense of rejection she felt from the unborn child. Stephanie Coker elaborated on her reliance on IVF due to her diagnosis of PCOS, a condition characterized by debilitating symptoms, including excessive bleeding leading to hospitalization and fainting spells. She recounted moments of extreme discomfort, from being confined to a wheelchair to seeking relief outdoors due to unbearable internal heat. Compounding her challenges, the same year brought further turmoil as her husband faced public scrutiny and lost his election bid.


Stephanie Coker

“I didn’t have my period for a whole year. PCOS made me choose IVF because mine was very severe. My doctor told me mine was life-threatening; I ended up in a wheelchair and was vomiting blood. 

“I got pregnant on the first IVF, the second one failed and actually I was standing in front of a car just to let the car hit me,” she said partly.

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